D2M1 Direction of the History and God's Lampstand - Dr. Stephen Tong
D2M2 The Reformation's Impact on Religious Liberty and Freedom of Conscience - Dr. Peter Lillback
D2M3 The Vital Role of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism - Dr. Sinclair Ferguson
D2M4 Hutang Injil bagi Dunia - Dr. Antonius Steven Un
D2M5 Menaklukkan Kaum Intelektual dengan Hati Berapi-api bagi Tuhan - Rev. Edward Oei
D2E1 Hidup Berpadanan dengan Injil Kristus - Rev. Billy Kristanto, Dr. Theol
D2E2 Giving a Reason for the Hope within Us: Christian Faith and World Evangelization - Dr. Craig Bartholomew
D2E3 Apologetics and the Gospel - Dr. William Edgar
D2E4 Arah Sejarah dan Kaki Dian Tuhan - Dr. Stephen Tong
Global Convention on Christian Faith & World Evangelization - Day 2
- D2M1 Direction of the History and God’s Lampstand
- D2M2 The Reformation’s Impact on Religious Liberty and Freedom of Conscience
- D2M3 The Vital Role of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism
- D2M4 Hutang Injil bagi Dunia
- D2M5 Menaklukkan Kaum Intelektual dengan Hati Berapi-api bagi Tuhan
- D2E1 Hidup Berpadanan dengan Injil Kristus
- D2E2 Giving a Reason for the Hope within Us: Christian Faith and World Evangelization
- D2E3 Apologetics and the Gospel
- D2E4 Arah Sejarah dan Kaki Dian Tuhan
- Dr. Stephen Tong
- Dr. Peter Lillback
- Dr. Sinclair Ferguson
- Dr. Antonius Steven Un
- Rev. Edward Oei
- Rev. Billy Kristanto, Dr. Theol
- Dr. Craig Bartholomew
- Dr. William Edgar
Credits: Reformed Injili
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